Machine Learning

Machine learning is inevitably changing the world of data analytics by allowing us to effectively perform tasks that have previously seemed impossible. The number of jobs possible to automate is ever increasing and this implies machines will be able to perform more tasks in the future. ML not only simplifies wide-ranging data but also help businesses to discover patterns and trends from massive datasets in the most time effective manner. This creates in a huge difference in how consumer behaviour is analysed and predicted, making future forecasts much more accurate. The real benefits of AL and ML are countless and the possibilities are endless to leverage the capabilities of Machine Learning.

Here at Ekaa, we offer a range of services using Machine Learning that can help your business uncover the best of technology and predict the most accurate future megatrends.

Below is a glimpse of some of the solutions offered by
our team of experts –

Facilitating accurate sales forecasts

Fed with past and real-time data, the trained machine learning algorithms are way better than human intelligence in finding out the patternsand in making accurate forecasts on sales numbers

Enabling improved Medical forecasts and analysis

The medical images including X ray, Skin images, and Retinal scanner when loaded into the ML models can provide actionable insights for making the treatment decisions. In addition, ML has been playing a vital role for drug discovery and personalised drug match

Simplifying spam detection

Multiple classification techniques within machine learning framework including K nearest neighbour, decision tree, support vector machine and logistics regression are applied for classifying the spams email, &messages

Aiding effective predictive maintenance

Using classification and regression approaches, machine learning models are adept at predicting machine & equipment failureswell in advance - allowing enterprises to take proactive actions to optimizetheir resources and minimize the down-time.

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